Category: Business

  • Where are the Best Dog Groomers in Seattle

    Aron asks: Where are the Best Dog Groomers in Seattle Seattle is a filled with people that love their pets. Dogs are much loved and there are a lot of them! The population of dogs to children, in Seattle, is roughly 140,000 to 93,000. There are more dogs than children! With that being said, the…

  • What’s the Most Impressive Business Architecture Ideas?

    Robert K Asks. what is the most impressive addition to your business so far as architecture.. Esis Replies. Most often a staircase is seen as just another utilitarian feature of a building. With a little vision however, it can make a powerful statement that transforms the entire structure. Think of the grand staircases that were…

  • What are the Costs of Making a Poor Hire?

    Susan asks: What are the costs of making a poor hire?   The costs associated with making the wrong hiring decision are high both financially and emotionally. They are sadly, often, avoidable. The Harvard Business review notes 80% of employee turnover (firings and quitting) are the result of making bad hiring decisions. Outsourcing the hiring…

  • How Do I Managing Multi-lingual Content

    Diego asks: How Do I Managing Multi-lingual Content Professional translation and localization are now a necessity for companies and organizations alike. Having all of your material in a language that is foreign to the reader presents serious challenges when you are doing business in a global marketplace. The question is, how to you be sur…

  • Why is SEO Important For Your Business

    Howard asks: Why SEO Is Important For Your Business Search engine optimization or SEO is one of the most important aspects of internet marketing. This term refers to the process of creating specialized content. Optimized content had two functions, the first to increase web rankings, the second to increase traffic. These two functions go hand…